Personalized Professional Learning
Are you a superintendent/central office staff, principal, teacher, or regional provider? We have resources designed specifically for you and your role.
Get started on your personalized professional learning journey.

Superintendents / Central Office
- Being an Instructional Leader in All Stages of the OIP: Superintendent and Principals
- Shared Leadership for Superintendents, Central Office and DLTs
Professional Learning Series Recordings
- Using OLAC Assessment Tools to Support School Progress
- Shared Leadership Practices to Support OIP
- Leader Credibility: The Essential Traits for Effective School Leaders
- Courage and Educational Leadership - Part 1
- Courage and Educational Leadership - Part 2
- Capacity Building through the Development of Professional Capital
- The Collective Sense of Efficacy
- Clearview Local Schools: An Interactive DLT Process for Developing Consistency and Commonality Across the District
- Educational Equity: Confronting the Challenges
- Engaging Families: Important Areas to Consider
Cornerstone Connections
- Becoming a Learning Organization: Pickerington’s Journey
- Greenfield’s Legacy of Leadership
- District Development of One Plan
Assessments & Resources

- Advanced Work for Teams - Part 1
- Developing Non-Negotiables with Your BLT
- Five Things Principals Should Know and Do - Part 1
Professional Learning Series Recordings
- Introduction to Teams Using Data Wisely
- The Importance of Aligning Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Leaderships’ Role in Literacy Achievement
- Clearview City Schools: Redesigning the BLT Process
- Introduction to Instruction: Teacher Clarity
- Principal’s Role in Developing Teacher Leadership
- Ohio Improvement Process
- Family and Community Engagement
- The Collaborative Process
- Leadership to Support Students’ Mental Health
Assessments & Supporting Resources

- Facilitation for Teacher-Based Teams
- The Ohio Improvement Process: Opportunities and Supports for New Teachers
Professional Learning Series Recordings
- The Importance of Aligning Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Curriculum: The Written, the Taught and the Learned
- Introduction to Instruction: Teacher Clarity
- The Ohio Improvement Process An Overview Part 1
- Increasing Student Ownership of Learning Through Formative and Summative Assessments
- Using Student Self-Assessment to Guide Instruction
- Cycle of Inquiry for TBT
Supporting Resources
- Crosswalks for Principals and Teachers
- Ohio’s Leadership Development Framework

Regional Providers
Educational professionals working for state support teams, educational service centers, and other educators providing support on a regional basis.
- Insight into Effective DLTs
- Integrating Ohio's Work into a Comprehensive Improvement Process Using the OIP
- Advanced Work for Teams - Part 1
- Advanced Work for Teams - Part 2
- Five Things Principals Should Know and Do - Part 1
- Five Things Principals Should Know and Do - Part 2
Professional Learning Series Recordings
- Courage and Educational Leadership - Part 1
- Courage and Educational Leadership - Part 2
- Teams Working Towards Inclusive Instructional Practice
- Capacity Building thorough the Development of Professional Capital
- Performance Coaching in Practice
- Creating Assessment Capable Learners Canton City Schools
- Leaderships’ Role in Literacy Achievement
- Clearview Local Schools: An Interactive DLT Process for Developing
- Clearview Local Schools: Lynne Stark Describes the District's Redesigned BLT Process
- Introduction to Shared Accountability
Cornerstone Connections
- Intentionality, Focused Support from Implementation Key to Improving Student Learnings: Two Districts Share Their Stories
- Revisiting Ohio's OIP Model
- Supporting Leaders at all Levels
Assessments & Supporting Resources

Why OLAC Resources?

Free professional learning

High quality, research-based

Flexible, self-paced format

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OLAC’s professional learning resources are relevant and applicable to the daily work that is performed at our school.
OLAC is always my first stop when researching professional learning topics.
As a principal, the OLAC website provides me a place to go where I can create a gameplan. The structure and numerous resources available provide everything I need to be successful and to support my team.
Educators should use OLAC resources because they set the foundation for everything you want to do as a district.