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We can be reached at if you need technical support, have questions about our web accessibility, or find any pages on our website that do not validate or that pose any other accessibility barriers. Please include as much detail as possible in your email about your issue, including screenshots.

Our team is here to support you as quickly as we can. Response times are fastest between 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Request for support outside of those times may receive a delayed response.

For more information about the Ohio Leadership Advisory Council, please contact:

Mike Trego
Program Director, OLAC

Jim Gay
Project Support

Karel Oxley
Project Support

Elizabeth Lolli
Project Support

Follow OLAC on X at @OHEdLeadership and YouTube at @OHEdLeadership

For more information about the Ohio Improvement Process, please contact:

Jo Hannah Ward
Director, Office for Exceptional Children
Ohio Department of Education and Workforce
614-752-1012 or toll free 877-644-6338