Real Leaders, Real Results
The Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC) is sharing "voices from the field" as part of our Real Leaders, Real Results campaign to showcase how Ohio educators are using OLAC tools to impact teaching and learning.
See the stories below to see how educators just like you are incorporating OLAC tools and resources into their practice, and working with colleagues to improve learning opportunities for all students.
Video: Lori Jenkins SST Director Region 15 - Speaks About Her Favorite OLAC Tool
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Lori Jenkins SST Director Region 15 - Speaks About Her Favorite OLAC Tool
Steve Short - Speaks About Using the Leadership Develpment Framework
Rick Carrington - Speaks About His Favorite OLAC Tool-The Critical Role of the BLT Webinar
Becky Rees SST 6 - Speaks About the Educator Evaluation Crosswalk
Building the Capacity of Instructional Leaders
Earning Credit Using OLAC Resources
Focusing on the True Work of the Building Leadership Team
Introducing Staff to Teacher-Based Teams
Learning From Others to Build Your Own Capacity
Using the OLAC Crosswalk and Resources in Higher Education Field Experience
OLAC Resources in Higher Education: Support for Understanding Ohio's Improvement Process
Providing Team-Based Professional Development
Sharing Best Practices for Teaching with OLAC Modules
Sharing OLAC's Research-Based Practices
Modeling The Use Of OLAC Resources: A Superintendent’S Perspective
Crestline Exempted Village School District
Effective Teams: What They Look Like And How To Align Professional Development
Massillon City Schools
The Benefits Of Modeling: For Teachers And Students
Campbell City Schools
Creating Cohesive Structures to Empower Teachers
Columbus City Schools
It's All About Teams
Ironton City Schools
Creating A Culture of Growth and Learning
East Palestine City School District
Alignment, Preparation, Relevancy, and Accessibility
Lancaster City Schools
A New Principal Finds The Right Support
Winton Woods City School District
Connecting Principles (and Principals) to Practice
Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators (OAESA)
Supporting The Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) With OLAC
Western Brown Local Schools