Remote Learning Resources
FREE Resources to Support Remote Learning for the 2020-2021 School Year
Six months ago, many of us had never heard of COVID-19 or even used Zoom or Google Meet to conduct a meeting. Now, these words are a part of our everyday vocabulary—in our personal and professional lives. While the world around us continues to change, our commitment to you—Ohio’s educators—remains the same. And that is to provide you with the structures and resources necessary to develop and support effective leadership at every level—especially during this pandemic.
With all of the uncertainty facing back-to-school and educating and supporting Ohio’s educators and students, effective leadership has never been more important. It is absolutely necessary to move us forward. While we don’t have a crystal ball to predict the next few months—we wish we did—we remain committed to connecting Ohio’s superintendents, principals, teachers, and other personnel to free, research-based resources to support their efforts to positively impact Ohio’s schools and students.
We have curated resources from OLAC’s site, along with resources from our education partners across the state. The resources are organized around topics that Ohio educators identified as areas of need to support for the 2020-2021 school year. From modules and videos to webinars, toolkits, and more, we are pleased to share these free resources with you.
District Concerns for Ohio Schooling in the Evolving COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 and Pandemic-specific Resources for Schools
- Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities: COVID Resources
- OLAC: Redefining Learning, Reinventing Schooling: Ohio Educators Pull Together to Embrace
- Edutopia: How to Create Community in a Virtual Classroom
- Flipgrid: A Free and Accessible Video Discussion Experience
- OCALI: InspirED Virtual Learning Series
- John Hopkins Consortium for School-based Health Solutions: School Re-opening in the Era of COVID-19
System-wide Planning & Supports
- OLAC: The Value of Teams During Times of Crisis Video
- OLAC: Staying Focused in Challenging Times Video
- OLAC: Learning Supports Module
- OLAC: Shared Accountability Module
- OLAC: Trotwood-Madison’s Plan for Remote Learning
High-Quality Curriculum & Instruction
- OLAC: Curriculum Module
- OLAC: Instruction Module
- Understood: How to Plan Online Lessons with Universal Design for Learning (ODL)
Evaluation & Assessment
- OLAC: Assessment Module
- OLAC: Teams Using Data Wisely Module
- OLAC: Promoting a Culture of Inquiry Through Formative Assessment Podcast
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: School-based Mental Health
- OLAC: Social Emotional Learning Webinar
- OLAC: Trauma Informed Practice Module
Supporting Students with Special Needs
- Center for Parent Information & Resources
- Building Post-COVID Early Care in Education Systems that Serve Children with Disabilities
- Using Part B & Part C Funds During COVID
- OCALI: Creating Accessible Remote Learning Environments
- OCALI: Supporting Skills for Access & Participation in Remote Environments
Supporting Parents & Families
- Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center
- Center for Parent Information & Resources
- Ohio Parent Mentor Project
- OCALI: Supporting Remote Learning
- OCALI: Supporting Self-care, Routines, & Understanding COVID
- OLAC: Family & Community Engagement Module
- OLAC: Engaging Families: Important Areas to Consider
- OLAC: Connecting Families Through the Leadership Team Process Video
Video: Public Schools are the Backbone of the Community
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Video: The Importance of Strengthening Family Relationships
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