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This crosswalk aligns relevant OLAC materials to each standard and each standard indicator within the Ohio Superintendent Standards, and provides recent, relevant, research-based resources and supports that can help professionals through the process of the Ohio Superintendent Evaluation System. The Superintendents Crosswalk also features focusing questions a leader can use independently or with a coach to help guide constructive reflection and professional growth. A free OLAC account will enable full access the OLAC resources.

Standard 4: Instruction

Superintendents lead the creation of instructional systems designed for high student achievement.

OLAC Focusing Questions for Superintendents, Standard 4:

  1. Are there teams, processes, and systems in place in my district to ensure well-grounded, effective, and productive curriculum and instruction techniques are shared, used, and systematically improved? Resources include:
  2. Do I maintain a culture of understanding and using data well? Resources include:
  3. Do I know how to conduct audits to identify district and building strengths and needs? Resources include:

4.1: Require district-wide use of an established curriculum.

OLAC Focusing Questions for Superintendents, Standard 4, Indicator 1

  1. Would I like to learn about ways to work with teachers and building teams to establish a coherent curriculum that addresses state standards and aligns with the district curriculum? If so, resources include:
  2. Would I like to know more about curriculum mapping and other processes that superintendents use to establish district-wide use of a shared curriculum? Resources include:
  3. Would I like to know about strategies useful to teachers as they engage the process of adapting their curriculum development to more systematic approaches? Resources include:
  4. Would I like to know more about the processes that enable teachers to participate in meaningful horizontal and vertical alignment of the curriculum? Resources include:

Download Crosswalk Professional Development Plan

Consider using this to fulfill your individual professional development plan (IPDP) to be approved by your Regional Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC).

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