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This crosswalk aligns relevant OLAC materials to each standard and each standard indicator within the Ohio Superintendent Standards, and provides recent, relevant, research-based resources and supports that can help professionals through the process of the Ohio Superintendent Evaluation System. The Superintendents Crosswalk also features focusing questions a leader can use independently or with a coach to help guide constructive reflection and professional growth. A free OLAC account will enable full access the OLAC resources.
Standard 5: Resources
Superintendents manage and organize the district’s resources (human, fiscal, operational, and material) to accomplish district goals.
OLAC Focusing Questions for Superintendents’ Self-Reflection, Standard 5:
- Do I leverage financial, human, time, materials, technological and facility resources in support of district goals for instruction and student learning? Resources include:
- OLAC Module: Resource Management
- OLAC Module: Board Development and Governance Process
- OLAC Module: Ohio Improvement Process
- OLAC Module: Leadership for Early Childhood Care and Education
- OLAC Module: Leading Literacy
- OLAC Module: Coaching
- OLAC Module: Educational Equity: Understanding Why It's So Important
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: METworks
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Human Capital Resource Center
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)
- OLAC Module: Shared Accountability