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This crosswalk aligns relevant OLAC / OIP materials to each standard and each standard element within the Ohio Principal Standards. Principals will be referenced to OLAC Modules and external sources that can support them through the process of the Ohio Principal Evaluation System 2.0. In addition, the tool features focusing questions to guide interactions between principals and coaches or central office administrators.

Standard Three (Leadership): School Improvement

The effective educational leader implements collaborative structures and shared leadership to analyze data and causality, align evidence-based strategies to deliberate goals, develop the capacity of staff, and partner with internal and external supports to improve learning conditions and outcomes.

ODEW Essential Question for the Standard: Do I facilitate and foster a culture of data analysis and inquiry to identify proven strategies for success?

OLAC Focusing Questions for Principals’ Self-Reflection: By Standard-

  1. Would I like more information on how data analysis and inquiry processes can assist Ohio schools and their leadership teams?

  2. Do I need resources to support collaborative work with my staff to discover my school’s critical needs and the causes of those needs? Resources include:

OLAC Focusing Questions for Principals’ Self-Reflection: By Indicator-

3.4: The effective educational leader engages and partners with staff, public and private sectors to create and support a culture of continuous improvement.

Would I like to know more about how to establish and maintain a culture of continuous improvement?

  1. Would I like to know more about partnerships that help build and support a culture of continuous school improvement?

Download Crosswalk Professional Development Plan

Consider using this to fulfill your individual professional development plan (IPDP) to be approved by your Regional Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC).

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