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This crosswalk aligns relevant OLAC materials to each standard and each standard indicator within the Ohio Superintendent Standards, and provides recent, relevant, research-based resources and supports that can help professionals through the process of the Ohio Superintendent Evaluation System. The Superintendents Crosswalk also features focusing questions a leader can use independently or with a coach to help guide constructive reflection and professional growth. A free OLAC account will enable full access the OLAC resources.
Standard 5: Resources
Superintendents manage and organize the district’s resources (human, fiscal, operational, and material) to accomplish district goals.
OLAC Focusing Questions for Superintendents’ Self-Reflection, Standard 5:
- Do I leverage financial, human, time, materials, technological and facility resources in support of district goals for instruction and student learning? Resources include:
- OLAC Module: Resource Management
- OLAC Module: Board Development and Governance Process
- OLAC Module: Ohio Improvement Process
- OLAC Module: Leadership for Early Childhood Care and Education
- OLAC Module: Leading Literacy
- OLAC Module: Coaching
- OLAC Module: Educational Equity: Understanding Why It's So Important
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: METworks
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Human Capital Resource Center
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)
- OLAC Module: Shared Accountability
5.4: Identify and allocate material resources to support district goals.
OLAC Focusing Questions for Superintendents, Standard 5, Indicator 4
- Would I benefit from knowing how to collect accurate data and thoughtful input from my district staff and stakeholders about the selection and allocation of material resources? Resources include:
- OLAC Module: Implementation Science
- OLAC Module: Teams Using Data Wisely
- Ed Reports: Knowing Your Starting Point: Instructional Materials Inventory
- Ed Reports: Materials Adoption 101: Engage Educators Upfront (Estep, 2018)
- Would I benefit from resources to help me select and allocate material resources to support educators and related service personnel? Resources include:
- OLAC Module: Resource Management
- OLAC Module: Leading Literacy
- OLAC Foundational Concept: The Problems of Equity in Resource Allocation
- OLAC Foundational Concept: Developing High-Quality Teaching and Learning Online: The Big Ideas
- OLAC Foundational Concept: High-Quality Instructional Materials for Remote Learning
- OLAC Video: Effective Practices for Teaching Online
- CC Network National Center: Evidence-based Literacy Instruction within Remote and Blended/Hybrid Learning Environments
- Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet)
- INFOhio
- Would I like more information about the data analysis process of forecasting and expenditure trend lines? If so, see these resources:
- OLAC Foundational Concept: Handling Data in Ohio Leadership Teams
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: How to Read a Five-Year Forecast
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Five-Year Forecasts – Traditional Districts and Joint Vocational Districts
- Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Overview of School Funding
Download Crosswalk Professional Development Plan
Consider using this to fulfill your individual professional development plan (IPDP) to be approved by your Regional Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC).