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Gibsonburg Exempted Village School District

The Students


In 2016, about 28% of Gibsonburg’s students (258) attended the high school, and about 24% of the students (217) attended the middle school. About 48% (441) attended the elementary school. The racial and ethnic composition of the district’s student body changed very little over the five-year time period 2012-17. Gibsonburg’s student population is about 13% Hispanic, 3% Multiracial, and 85% White. No Black enrollment is reported. This proportion is fairly consistent at all the schools; however, the elementary school has the lowest proportion of Hispanics (about 11%) and the high school the highest (more than 14%).

Identified Subgroups

Across all five years, the largest proportion of Gibsonburg’s students (58% in 2016-17) was identified as belonging to none of the three subgroup categories—confronting economic disadvantage, having a disability, or exhibiting limited English proficiency (LEP). The second largest group, about 30% of enrollment, was classified as economically disadvantaged only. An additional 7% of district students were identified as having both a disability and economic disadvantage. The highest proportion of students facing economic disadvantage was in the elementary school (about 40%), and the lowest proportion in the high school (about 30%).

About 12% of the district’s students overall were identified as having a disability, with the lowest proportion at the high school (a little below 12%) and the highest proportion at the middle school (a little below 15%). Despite the enrollment of a notable percentage of Hispanic students, no appreciable proportion of students was identified as having limited English proficiency.