Painesville City Schools Teaching Case
Measures of District Performance

District Attendance
The overall district attendance rate for the Painesville City Local Schools was above 93% for all five of the most recent school years, 2012-13 through 2016-17, and exceeded 95% for two of those years. These rates are comparable with the state average. Attendance rates for Hispanic students and for students identified as exhibiting limited English proficiency were marginally higher than the district average for three recent school years.
Disciplinary Actions
The district’s 2016 overall rate of disciplinary actions, about 27 per 100 students, is higher than the statewide average for all students in all districts. However, since almost all of Painesville’s students confront economic disadvantage, it may be more relevant to compare the district’s overall rate with the statewide average for students confronting economic disadvantage. Indeed, Painesville’s overall rate of disciplinary actions is significantly lower than the statewide average of 36 per 100 for students confronting economic disadvantage.
The frequency of disciplinary actions by subgroup (Black, Hispanic, White, disadvantaged, disabled, limited English proficiency) shows notable differences. Over the past five years, the overall rate has declined for all subgroups except White students, for whom the rate increased marginally. Hispanic students in Painesville City Local Schools had the lowest rate of disciplinary involvement (15 per 100 students), compared to 57 for Black students and 23 for White students. Of the students confronting economic disadvantage, having disabilities, or exhibiting limited English proficiency, the students with limited English proficiency had the lowest rate of disciplinary actions, and those having disabilities the highest rate, over the five most recent school years.