2020 OLAC Showcase Presentations
On December 15, 2020 more than 2,200 Ohio education leaders joined us virtually for the 2020 OLAC & PBIS Showcase. The Showcase combined the best of the OLAC Action Forum and the Ohio PBIS Showcase and featured keynote sessions from Dr. Douglas Reeves and Dr. Kent McIntosh, along with 19 practitioner-led learning sessions.
Video: Chardon Local School District: Week in Reflection Podcast
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Chardon Local School District: Week in Reflection Podcast
Celina City School District: Implementing Our District Strategy: Assessment Capable Learners
Pickerington Local School District: District-Wide TBTs in Response to New Teaching & Learning Models
OLAC 101 for Principals/Educational Leaders
Creative Leadership Solutions: Education in 2020: Challenges & Successes

Equity, Engagement, and Academic Excellence: Essential Leadership Practice's for Every Ohio School and District
9 – 10 a.m.
Dr. Douglas Reeves, Founder, Creative Leadership Solutions
In this interactive keynote address, Dr. Douglas Reeves will help Ohio leaders address the complexities of pursuing academic excellence while achieving success in equity, engagement, and student behavior. “These tools are not in conflict,” says Dr. Reeves. “But, they mutually reinforce one another.” He will draw on his latest books, including Equity and Excellence (2020) and Challenging Conversations About Race (2020). In addition, he will share evidence from Ohio, the nation, and schools around the world about the leadership decisions that have the greatest impact on student success.

What Does It Take to Sustain PBIS?
12:45 – 1:45 p.m.
Dr. Kent McIntosh, Director of Educational and Community Supports, College of Education at the University of Oregon
Why does it seem so hard to sustain school initiatives? When the initial enthusiasm ends and champions move on, how do we keep systems like Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) strong in our buildings? Learn about the latest research findings and practical strategies to overcome common barriers to sustaining effective and equitable school initiatives.