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SIPR Strategy 3: Building Capacity through Support and Accountability

Districts expand capacity system-wide through a reciprocal system of support and accountability. Efforts to build capacity are intentional, aligned to district goals, based on relevant data, and responsive to the needs of personnel.

Characteristics of Effective Practice by Districts and Their Schools Acceptable Implementation Acceptable Scale

1. Based on identified needs, establish goals and performance targets both at the district and the school level

  • The district develops action plans specifying goals and performance targets for the district as a whole.
  • The district provides guidelines to assist each school in the district with action planning that aligns with the district’s overall plan.
  • The district shares district and school action plans with stakeholders on a regular basis.
  • Each school in the district develops an action plan that reflects goals and targets in the district action plan.
  • School leaders share their schools’ action plans with stakeholders on a regular basis.

2. Align human resource management (e.g., recruitment, selection, training, evaluation, and support of personnel) to district-wide goals

  • The district uses recruitment materials that clearly articulate district non-negotiables.
  • The district uses personnel selection procedures that reflect non-negotiables relating to quality and equity.
  • The district ensures that all personnel receive the PD they need in order to perform their jobs competently.
  • The district uses evaluation criteria that reflect district non- negotiables.
  • The district uses evaluation criteria that document levels of competence with the evidence- based strategies for instruction and intervention that the district endorses.
  • Personnel practices at all schools reflect district non-negotiables relating to quality and equity.
  • All schools use agreed-upon district practices for on-boarding personnel and providing support throughout their tenure.
  • All schools use formative evaluation practices that align with the district’s evaluation criteria and procedures.

3. Manage human resources to build capacity for effective data use

  • The district presents relevant models showing educators how to use data to inform instructional decision.
  • The district ensures that all educators receive PD and coaching that enables their ongoing use of data to inform instructional improvement.
  • The district employs or contracts with experts in data use who can provide technical assistance to central office leaders and school personnel.
  • The district uses up-to-date and accessible tools for collecting, analyzing, visualizing, and reporting data.
  • Each school in the district has access to data experts who can help them use district data systems effectively and efficiently.
  • Each school in the district has access to the tools it needs for collecting, analyzing, visualizing, and reporting data.